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Stop Smoking Hypnosis: Can Hypnotherapy Help You Stop Smoking with Success?

Today you will discover how hypnotherapy works and how stop smoking hypnosis can help you quit smoking once and for all.

The act of smoking cigarettes has been around for centuries. Up until the 1950s, hardly anyone was aware of the health risks, particularly the link between smoking and cancer. This is when “Stop-Smoking Movement” began in the U.S and all over the world.

But how do you actually quit smoking – once and for all? How do you make sure your cravings are stopped for good? In this article, you will learn:

  • What makes smoking so addictive
  • Why you should quit smoking now
  • Different ways to stop smoking

Let’s get started.

What Makes Smoking Addictive?

The scientific answer is nicotine . This is the chemical used in cigarettes that contains nitrogen (a gas used to make fertilizers, dyes, and explosives). Once nicotine gets into the brain, it creates dopamine, a neurotransmitter that gives you a feeling of pleasure.

There are other reasons why people become addicted to smoking though, such as:

  • Social status

Sometimes it can be easier to get chatting to new people when you get together for a cigarette. Peer pressure can also play a part in this if you happen to be a non-smoker within a large group of smokers.

  • Weight management

Smoking suppresses your appetite and it has been known to be a popular choice of supermodels that help them stay slim.

  • Confidence

The act of holding a cigarette gives some people a sense of authority or just something to keep their hand busy. For years, advertisements glamorized the act of smoking and it became ingrained as something “cool” to do. When people become addicted to anything, they can rely on it to give them a feeling of security, comfort or confidence.

This is Why Should You Quit Smoking Now

quit smoking hypnosis

Smoking is the leading cause of cancer in the world. Cancer has such a negative connotation that some people call it “the C word” instead. If that is the case, then why do people continue to smoke?

The good news is that statistically, the number of people smoking is decreasing. The NHS in England published statistics in July 2018 which stated that 14.9% of adults smoked. This was down 15.5% in 2016 and 19.8% in 2011. The World Health Organization (WHO), believes that this is partly due to picture warnings and anti-smoking advertisements.

However, it can become easy to bury your head in the sand and not listen to the negative talk about smoking. Even the warning labels and graphic images on cigarette packaging can be ignored when you are addicted. People tend to focused on how smoking makes you feel instead.

However, you can change the associations you have and therefore change your habits to healthier ones and feel the health rewards as soon as on the day you decide to quit smoking.

Ways to Stop Smoking

There are many options available to people who are looking to quit smoking. Some are free, and some are paid services. Many people start with replacing the tobacco nicotine with an alternative such as a nicotine patch, chewing gum or spray. You can also visit your doctor, who may prescribe you medicinal tablets such as Champix.

Hypnotherapy to Quit Smoking

hypnosis to quit smoking

Stop smoking hypnosis can be the ultimate way to kick the habit for good. Hypnosis is a proven tool that can help people deal with multiple issues, including drinking addiction, weight loss, insomnia, and many more.

Some people worry about feeling out of control. But it is important to realize that hypnosis does not make you do things which you do not want to do. Instead, stop smoking hypnosis is about changing the meaning we attach to behaviours. It examines the associated links of pain and pleasure.

WebMd explains what hypnotherapy involves: “a patient is often asked to imagine unpleasant outcomes from smoking. For example, the hypnotherapist might suggest that cigarette smoke smells like truck exhaust, or that smoking will leave the patient’s mouth feeling extremely parched.”

Hypnotherapist and Founder of Rapid Transformational Therapy, Marisa Peer, has over 30 years’ experience in helping people free themselves from addictions. She says: “The best way to stop is to get your mind to link having a cigarette to pain. Smokers associate pleasure with smoking, and pain with not smoking. They have got it completely the wrong way round. During hypnotherapy, you are guided into a state of deep relaxation. This induces a highly suggestible state, in which it is much easier to reprogram negative, destructive thought patterns. This is done by using visualization and guided imagery to create positive thoughts that can help you give up.”

Marisa’s hypnosis audio download is specially designed to help people give up smoking. Using the hypnosis to stop smoking Quit Smoking Today audio program allows you to stop smoking easily. It helps you program your mind to repair your body and enjoy the benefits of a healthier lifestyle.



Marisa shares her 30 years of experience as a multi-award-winning therapist to celebrities, top athletes, and even royalty. She is the founder and creator of RTT®, the cutting-edge method and hybrid solution-based approach that can deliver extraordinary transformations.



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