Michelle Obama regularly asks herself “am I good enough?” in her book Becoming. Her memoir reveals how a young girl from working-class parents from the South Side of Chicago became the first African American First Lady of the United States. It shows us how that girl went from asking “am I good enough?” to finding the answer we all need to hear: ‘Yes. I Am’.
“I’m an ordinary person who found herself on an extraordinary journey.”
During her eight years as First Lady in the United States, Michelle Obama was celebrated as an icon of style, intelligence, integrity, relatability, and honesty. However, in Becoming she makes the point that she is as human as the rest of us when she writes “I’m an ordinary person who found herself on an extraordinary journey.”
Indeed Michelle has opened up to feeling some of the same insecurities we can all relate to, like Imposture Syndrome, where people lack the confidence to internalise their accomplishments. Her honesty and ability to be vulnerable make her even more of a role model to inspire others. She is particularly passionate about giving hope to the younger generation.
Even the best most successful people suffer from Imposture Syndrome
As reported by the BBC, during a talk at an all-girls school in London, UK, when asked how she felt about being seen as a “symbol of hope”, Michelle Obama said:
“I still have a little impostor syndrome, it never goes away, that you’re actually listening to me. It doesn’t go away, that feeling that you shouldn’t take me that seriously. What do I know? I share that with you because we all have doubts in our abilities, about our power and what that power is.

If I’m giving people hope then that is a responsibility, so I have to make sure that I am accountable. We don’t have any choice but to make sure we elders are giving our young people a reason to hope.”
Why Am I Enough?
Vishen Lakhiani, Founder of Mindvalley, recently shared a process he uses called ‘lofty questions’, whereby you turn a positive affirmation or statement of belief into a question. You do not need to consciously answer the question. However, just by rephrasing it into a question, it acts as a ‘cognitive shortcut’ and gets the powerful subconscious mind looking for supporting evidence. This strengthens the neural activity and conviction of the belief in your mind, which in turn increases the impact it can have.
Examples of reframing statements into ‘lofty questions’ would be:
- I am grateful -> Why am I grateful?
- I love my life -> Why do I love my life?
- I Am Enough -> Why am I enough?
Michelle Obama is practising something similar when she asks “Am I enough?”
No matter who you are and what you do, there is only one answer to the question ‘am I enough’ and that is YES I AM! As everyone is always enough – no matter what.
Transform your beliefs to transform your life
Globally renowned celebrity therapist Marisa Peer has inspired millions of people to use the simple statement ‘I Am Enough’ to transform their lives. In her book I Am Enough, Marisa says:
“We are here for such a short time, and I truly believe that life is an immense gift. I have watched clients, readers, and followers of mine from all over the world change their lives in an instant. How? Because they changed their thoughts and beliefs. No matter who you are or what you’ve gone through, you have the power to change your thoughts and beliefs, too.”

In the article Learn to Love Yourself Marisa says: “Self-love is an unshakable belief in the worthiness of one’s self. With it, I truly believe you can do anything. Without it, you may always feel that you are not quite good enough, no matter what your accomplishments are or how many other people value you. Without self-love, you may be subconsciously sabotaging yourself, suffering disconnection to what matters most in life.”
Simple yet powerful techniques that can transform your life
Marisa is famous for simple yet effective techniques that rapidly and permanently transform people’s lives for the better. Marisa explains:
“The number one way to love yourself more is by truly believing that you are enough. I have watched over and over how a simple, profound, and life-changing mantra of ‘I am Enough’ can build self-love and eliminate any limiting beliefs forever.”

“Put the phrase where you will often see it: by your bed, on your mirror, fridge, phone, laptop, car’s dashboard, etc. Tell yourself out loud that you are enough, regularly and repeatedly as this is how the mind learns. Say it in multiple tenses: “I am enough, I’ve always been enough, I will always be enough.
The more you say it, the more your mind will accept it as true. Make it your statement of truth and see the difference it makes to your life.”
Give it a try and see how it works for you. As Marisa often says: “You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.”

Useful resources:
Mark Your Mirror Change Your Life.
Boost Your Confidence and Self-Esteem: A 4-Step How-To Guide
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