In this honest interview about creating an “extraordinary life” Mariann Sebestyen, shares the secret of how she went from “broken woman” to having a “beautiful sexy body”…
How has Rapid Transformational Therapy™ (RTT™) changed your life and why?
The best gift I ever got from RTT is myself and my body. I eat healthier (salads, seeds, protein) and I have already lost weight. Most of my thinking and relationship with myself and with food have changed so much. I have control over my eating, and I feel enough and worthy of having a beautiful sexy body and taking care of it.
RTT got to the root cause of my eating issue and found out I was replacing love with food, to try to fill up the emptiness that I felt inside of me.
Please can you briefly summarise your life before RTT, what were your biggest challenges? How did this impact your life and what was it costing you?
I was a broken woman who was just trying to keep herself alive, but did not really want to live. I did not feel worth it or my life.
I had deep depression, lack of self-confidence, low self-esteem and struggled with my weight since my early childhood, which made it worse and had an impact on loving myself and my relationships. I could never accept the look of me and I never liked it.
I did not have hope or love and I did not even believe in myself, based on how I was brought up and people’s affection. All parts of my life were broken because I was broken inside. It cost me time, pain, stress, and disturbed my peace. I was angry all the time and losing control, I hated myself and my life.
To sum up my life since RTT, I no longer have depression and am now full of self-confidence and self-esteem. My weight problem is gone and I have lost 8 kilos already and that is just the beginning.
I now feel like a real woman, the beautiful woman who was always hidden inside of me, who is making her life amazing and allowing herself to do what she loves. I could not have done this without RTT because that method has such a power in transformation and completely changed my life. I am now happy in my body and I find home and harmony inside of me.
How did you discover RTT and why did you decide to do it? How is RTT different from other approaches you have tried?
I visited the doctor who just told me to go on a diet, and I tried dieting, but no matter how hard I tried I could never lose weight and stop eating. I tried workouts, but I got tired and saw no results. I knew there had to be more behind my issue.
I started to think about my life and my childhood, which was not perfect at all. I spent so much of my time dealing with myself, even if I talked to friends or family – they never understood me, I felt alone. I tried to buy self-help books, check Facebook groups and last October I found Marisa Peer on Facebook and when she described what she does I knew that was for me.
With RTT, I found the root cause and let it go from my past. I had never considered that the weight could be related to emotion or love.
That was my calling and my second chance at life, for which I am so grateful, I can’t express in words. I always achieve what I want because I am not giving up on me or on my dreams. I have never known I could go that far in my life and be the happy person I am today.
What was your experience of training in RTT?
I chose the RTT® Live In-Person course and I was attending the 5 days live practical in London. It was the most amazing experience, thanks to the amazing team there and meeting the famous, Marisa Peer.
The RTT trainers were so supportive and we just created a big family. I felt understood, supported and connected. The live demonstration and explanation of the tools and full sessions by Marisa was extremely helpful. I said on graduation day that I wished that I could do another week as I enjoyed the time so much. I did not want it to end. I had a really good experience with the training and also the online material. There is so much support for us and it is valuable. I have never regretted it, not for one moment, because I see what I got from the course.
What did you most want to achieve from RTT?
What I most wanted to achieve was to transform myself from the past and have my life and myself back. I wanted to get myself out of depression and make my life better, to put the smile back on my face and to reduce my weight.
With RTT I feel there is no limit in my life. There are so many people who have similar situations to what I went through, I would like to give them a new life so they can become “The best version of themselves” using RTT.
How has your life changed now as a result of RTT? How does this relate to what you most wanted?
I am a more confident person, I have improved self-esteem and a new belief that I deserve the best from life. I have found my life purpose as an RTT therapist. RTT completely changed me in every aspect of my life.
I am able to handle things that I could have never handled before. I enjoy positive thinking and I don’t let the negative criticism in. Since I started using RTT I have changed my life and lifestyle. I make success and focus on that. I have learnt not to let in any negative words in my life. I have my voice and control over my life, and I create my amazing life the way I want it now.
RTT gave me all I was dreaming about. Before I felt like those things weren’t available to me, but now all of them are. I am deeply grateful for RTT and for Marisa Peer who showed me the way of living.
What has been your biggest impact with RTT? What are you most proud of? Is there a client story that brings this to life?
I am very proud of my first client who never knew anything about RTT or hypnosis. It was a Zoom session and we worked on his issue of anxiety when he spoke in public. I was nervous, but I knew I had the tools to do it. I went back to a couple of scenes and applied my detective skills and I found out the root cause of his issue, using RTT to reframe and transform.
I did the follow up with him to make sure that he was okay. I did not know how well I had done until the moment came when he had to do a group presentation. I asked him how he felt and he said “relaxed and confident.”
When it came to his turn to present, he nailed it! He said that to be out there in front of the crowd was just a dream for him, but actually that day it became his truth, his reality. He was so amazed about how well RTT works and I felt incredibly happy. I feel the feeling that he felt, because his success became my success as well.
This was the greatest experience and I felt so proud of him and so happy for myself. I think I do understand what Marisa feels when she sees people’s lives changing because of her. It is the most amazing feeling and sharing the success of my client and myself.
I am so happy I made the decision to say YES to RTT and say YES to myself and the success. I love RTT so much.
Thank you, Mariann, for sharing your experiences with us, we are also really glad that you said YES to RTT and are enjoying the benefits and the difference it makes.
Join the 21-Day Healthy Living Challenge
If you are interested in Marisa Peer’s work in improving health and lifestyle, and want to reap the benefits of her extensive knowledge for yourself, then why not consider joining her specially curated 21-Day Healthy Living Challenge?
Over the period of three weeks, you will receive guided trainings, meditations, and audios that all aim to help you dispel your misbeliefs about health and food, help you overcome any negative eating habits, and reach your goal weight by removing your cravings and helping you to make healthier choices that nourish and fuel your body.
If this sounds like something you might be interested in, then be sure to click the banner below to find out more about the challenge, starting soon, and secure your spot today.
If you have a story to share…
We love to hear your real-life stories of how RTT has impacted you or your clients’ lives. If you would like to share your experience with the wider community, so as many people can benefit as possible, please email