Charles West was a successful performer on Broadway before getting a cancer diagnosis that changed his life forever. What he discovered on his healing journey would not only transform his life, but the lives of those he now works with as the President and Founder of Divine Spark Coaching.
Charles openly reveals that whilst he appeared to “have it all” as a successful actor, secretly he was struggling with the same deep feelings so many people silently suffer. Charles explains:
“A deep sense of loneliness and separation kept me at a distance from ever feeling content, at peace and satisfied with my life… For decades, limiting negative paradigms kept me struggling with self-sabotage in my career and relationships. Even when it looked like I was at the top of my game as an actor on Broadway, the “scared little boy” inside wouldn’t let me enjoy my success.”
In this inspiring interview, Charles shares his personal insights and experience of how his healing journey actually led to him discovering his “life path was being expanded in beautiful ways.” A true-life lesson of how to triumph over trauma…
Please tell us about your life before RTT, what were your biggest challenges?
For my entire life I had always known that my primary calling was to be a singer, actor and musician and I had quite a lot of success performing on Broadway and in tours. However, a few years ago my life went through quite a tumultuous change when I was diagnosed with a very rare form of vascular cancer.
During this traumatic time period, I was confronted with the reality that I was not going to be able to follow the life path that I’d always known. The top doctors at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center told me that there was no treatment or surgery that could be done and I descended into a very dark place for about 6 months.
I sought comfort, healing and guidance from several different energy healers in the New York area. I learned a lot from them about how to care for my energies better than I ever had and there was something else magical that was happening within me during this time. I discovered that I actually had quite a knack for facilitating energy healing work.
I decided to study with a prominent Naturopath in NYC, Dr. Steven Weiss, which lead to me to form my business, Divine Spark Coaching. I also attended powerful lectures and workshops with Marianne Williamson and Dr. Joe Dispenza and learned so much more about how we create our own reality and healing through the power and direction of our thoughts and words.
All of this was having a profound and positive impact on my emotional and spiritual wellbeing and I knew that my life path was being expanded in beautiful ways. However, there was more work and healing for me to do, so I became a certified Life Mastery Consultant with the Life Mastery Institute. By now, my motivation and desire to build a hugely successful coaching business, in spite of the cancer diagnosis, was roaring loudly and confidently. Several close friends of mine even asked me if “the cancer is gone because you look so good, so different than you did last year.”
How did you discover RTT? Why did you decide to try it?
One morning, about this time last year, I woke up to the feeling of the Universe tapping me on the shoulder. So, I meditated and received the message that it was time for me to add something else to my Coaching/Spiritual Toolbox. But WHAT? I scoured the internet looking for something…anything that spoke to me, but I wasn’t finding it.
I spoke to a dear friend and colleague about my search and she said “Well, do you know about RTT and Marisa Peer?”
“RTT? No, what is that? Oh, Marisa Peer? Is she the lady that I’ve seen in the MindValley ads on Facebook?”
“Yes, that’s her. Check out her videos on YouTube, especially her TEDx talk video, and you’ll get a good idea about what RTT is.”
So I did just that. I watched Marisa’s TEDx talk and not even half way through it, she spoke very loudly to my heart. I then explored the RTT website and was even further intrigued. I looked into the different training options and the RTT® Live In-Person training format resounded a very loud “YES!” to me.
What did you most want to achieve from RTT? If you had a magic wand, what did you wish to change?
I knew that I wanted to add something exquisite to my Toolbox that would not only add great value to my business, by giving me greater tools to serve my clients with, but would also be something that I would personally benefit from. Knowing that whenever I am of service and participate in the healing, growth and transformation of others I, also, receive the benefits of that healing. I wanted to find a deeper form of healing and I have definitely found that in RTT.

What was your experience of RTT? How many sessions did you have, did you listen to an audio recording and how did you find it?
Prior to my Live Training with Marisa Peer in London, I had three RTT sessions and each one of them was wonderful. Each session targeted and addressed a different root cause that manifested in various areas of my life. I listened to each audio for the weeks during the time that I was going through the online portion of the training and felt that they definitely supported this new work that I was undertaking.
Then, when I was in London I had the enormous honor of being selected to have a session with the Grande Dame herself, Marisa Peer!! It was, of course, a tremendous experience for me and I fell asleep to the recording that I received. I still put the recording on a couple times per week and let it wash over me.
How do you feel now as a result of RTT? How has your life changed?

With RTT I absolutely feel that my business and my life have expanded in wonderful ways. I just love serving and working with clients all over the world and it feels amazing to be a part of the international RTT family. RTT has, literally, broadened Divine Spark Coaching into a worldwide business. Also, I have taken possession of even greater inner peace, wisdom and discernment and feel that my own Divine Spark is radiating brighter than ever. I now have the inner confidence and personal experience to know that, with RTT as a Divine vehicle, I am participating in my own self-healing.
How is RTT different from other approaches you have tried?
RTT definitely goes way deeper than any other healing or coaching protocol that I have done. Having the training, tools and ability to purge the subconscious mind of long held limiting paradigms, and participate in the transformation and reframing of majorly traumatic events is truly a blessing to me. Witnessing how the very foundation that people’s lives are built upon can finally become solid and strong is something I’ve not experienced with any other approach.

Marisa Peer says that transformation can be immediate, cumulative, or retrospective – when you look back now, what would you say was your experience?
I have personally had a variety of realizations and transformations from RTT. Yes, sometimes there’s an immediate knowingness, that I’m looking upon the horizon of my life through a whole new lens. At other times the shifts and rebalancing of my internal frequencies has been something more gradual… Unwinding what used to be a tangled ball of emotions and energies into a calm and steady stream of awareness. I just LOVE it!!

Anything else you would like to share?
Just a huge “THANK YOU” to Marisa Peer for developing and creating RTT and allowing us all to reap the marvelous benefits of it. Oh, and what I previously thought about my career as a performer being unavailable to me since the cancer diagnosis… well, this week I started rehearsals for Hercules, the first staged production of the wonderful Disney animated movie, in New York City! It just goes to show that we never know what we might manifest in our lives when we’re thoroughlycommitted to our own healing journey.
The Ideal Made Real by Christian D. Larson perfectly describes and sums up how RTT feels in my life, in my heart, and in my soul:

Thank you for sharing your truly inspirational story and experience of RTT with us all….
Charles West

You too can train in RTT and enjoy a career transforming lives…
If you would like to find out more about how to train in Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) and have a successful career transforming lives then please visit
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If You Have a Story to Share…
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